Using SurfaceGard® – Maximum Strength Tile Sealer or Grout & Tile Sealer

General Surface Prep

The surface should be dry, clean and free of waxes, sealers or finishes. New installations need to be cured 48 – 72 hours before application. Protect painted surfaces. Test product in an obscure area to ensure desirable results. The sealer can be applied 48 hours after the grout has been installed.

Application Method

USE CHEMICAL-RESISTANT GLOVES, such as nitrile, when handling the product.

  1. Apply SurfaceGard® – Maximum Strength Tile Sealer or Grout & Tile Sealer using a Microfibre Sealer Applicator (for smooth surfaces), Microfibre Cloth (for small areas) or household garden pump sprayer (for large or textured surfaces).
  2. Allow it to penetrate for up to 5 minutes. Immediately wipe off any excess.
  3. If first coat has been absorbed, apply a second coat following the same procedure. Polished or dense surfaces usually require one coat. Grout and other porous surfaces usually require two.
  4. Conduct a test to see if the surface is completely sealed after 2 hours by applying drops of water on the surface.
  5. If it penetrates immediately, apply an additional coat. If a residue is visible on the surface after drying, remove it with a sponge or White Nylon Scrubbing Pad 60 minutes after application.

Drying Time

2 – 3 hours.

Cleaning of equipment

Clean tools and hands with soap and water immediately after use.